She’s 6 months already!!! πŸ’ƒ

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Unbelievable! Just the other day i thought i would die of all the pain i went through now she’s fully sitting without support, pulling herself with her stomach in an attempt to crawl. So surreal when all this milestones happen right in front of my eyes and I’m the very first person who has the privilege to notice! Isn’t God just so awesome! A baby born completely helpless fully relaying on Others slowly and slowly they learn to do things and it happens so gradually it would slip by you

Well, it hasn’t been a smooth ride either, sometimes i want to pull off my hair literally out of frustration and most times I’m completely full and so happily in love with Miss little sunshine. We begun weaning last week with porridge (familia baby weaning flour) at first she took it so well gave me so much hope but lately it’s a struggle. Tried butternut squash puree and it was rejected from the first bite. Moved swiftly to banana puree same case to the porridge, well received then later bored by it. Ripe bananas also rejected!

Is my baby a poor feeder or i should just try many other type of foods?? This kind of situation stress me up. Seems like she just wants mummy’s warm sweet milk. Anyways I’m going to keep on trying. Meanwhile I’m dealing with my own fears and anxiety of moving to a new place not knowing how my little one is going to take the change. Especially because i know she will miss her two very incredible grandparents who make her soooo happy. You should see her looking at the door every evening waiting for her grandpa to come in then she excitedly start to push herself up and down laughing and screaming with joy! Oh wow! It almost wants to make me not want to leave! I fear she will miss them soo much but we will have to go.

I’m patiently waiting for those teeth to pop out and hope that they will not give her a hard time. She is always on the move and i love it place her somewhere and she will have changed positions on her own. Do even get me started on changing her diaper which almost takes an hour to change.

As I’m waiting for her to Officially start crawling and those two teeth to pop, let me get back to change 5-6 dirty diapers a day! It means the little food I’m feeding her is satisfying her! I’m glad.

Over and out

Moms have yourself a lovely weekend of diaper changes and wipes

2 responses to “She’s 6 months already!!! πŸ’ƒ”

  1. Doreen wanjiku mwangi Avatar
    Doreen wanjiku mwangi

    I almost cried over this post post her attachment to her grand parents makes me think of you when you were small i watched you you know and the eating habit mom used to chase you all over the apple does not fall too far from the tree


    1. MAMA! Avatar

      That’s for sureπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


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